About C

profile pic courtesty of the incredibly talented @toddcrusham XO

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I feel obliged to say “hi Y’ALL” since I reside in Austin, Tejas, home of the motto “Keep Austin Weird”, funky food trucks, ungodly amounts of men sporting beards and skinny jeans, and SXSW. My hubs and I moved back here in 2015 after getting hitched and creating two little humans. Austin called us home Y’ALL!

Over the past few years, with the grace of God, I finally allowed myself to experience the vulnerability, fear, and uncertainty of exploring a side to me that I didn’t even know existed. I started a food blog, taught myself photography, and started a business. My friends started referring to me as their artistic friend, which made me 1) laugh out loud because I have always been the least artistic person I know 2) feel like a hypocrite, because my friends ACTUALLY saw me as an artist. It’s been an uncomfortable period of realization and acceptance and one that I’m still adjusting to.

I’m still very much a student of photography and have infinite things to learn. I read and practice until the wee morning hours. I’m also very VERY much a student of art and design and am elated to drown myself with images from people worlds more talented than me in photography and digital design.

As I walk in awe through this new door, and down these beautiful funky streets of art and photographs, I want to share with you make makes me say, “That is so cool!!!”.

You can check out some of my work at cecilefuscophotography.com, on Instagram @cecilefuscophotography, or connect with me on Facebook. If any of my words or images touch you, you have a cool tip, or want to share what or who inspires you, please drop me a note!

I’m here to commune with those of you who share in my passion for color, design, photography, and all things Austin. That’s what this blog is about and I hope you enjoy!

Let Love In – C

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